Annually, members of Al Tariq Temple #245 gather with the Cobb County community on Veterans Day to honor and recognize our men and women of the Armed Forces for their outstanding bravery, courage and sacrifices made protecting our country and our freedoms. Legionnaires constantly remind communities that freedom and prosperity come with a price, a price often paid with the ultimate sacrifice.
This year’s event is being co-hosted by members of American Legion Post 296 and Al Tariq Temple #245 Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine (A.E.A.O.N.M.S.) Desert of Georgia, Oasis of Marietta, GA. Our intent is to honor all veterans however; our program will pay special tribute to Korean and Vietnam-Era Veterans. Each Honoree will receive a certificate of honor signed by Governor Brain Kemp and presented by the Georgia Department of Veterans Services Our Guest Speaker is Mabel Kuupua Kim joined the United States Navy in 1963 from Honolulu, Hawaii. During the Vietnam War Era Mabel served four years. After becoming a laboratory technician she attended Columbus College in Columbus, Ga earning her Associate in Nursing in 1978.
List of Honorees Korean War Veterans
List of Special Invited Guests
August 2024
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